Receive Christian greetings in Jesus name. We really thank God for this far that he has brought us. We thank God for our visitors who are together with us today. We also appreciate that today we have Presbytery pulpit exchange. For those who will join us kindly notify us so that we can tell the district closer to your residence. For those who will be going back kindly take our greetings. We love you with the love of God.
As in the parable in the book of Matthew 25, we have been allocated according to our ability and God is looking for our faithfulness in handling and managing what he has given us. Today like in the bible days we must champion causes of stewardship in:-
Stewardship of self, stewardship of others e.g family, Church, neighbours and others as well as that of environment with all of its accompaniments. God is not just the starting of your life, he is the source of it. You must begin with God, your creator. Everything starts with God and you are made by God and for God. You are not an accident, unless you assume God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless. Life is really living for God not myself. Life on earth is temporary assignment, discover your purpose. Aim high, go for your purpose. Every person has a gift from God. God has bestowed each one of us with potential and opportunity. You were created with natural abilities that guide you towards a particular focus. you have a obligation to expand to your destiny, so discover what you are supposed to do. do not put question mark in what you are doing. Always remember to discover your purpose in this life. Have a great and blessed week ahead.
Prayer Items
1. Thank God for this far and answered prayers
2. Pray for the Nation/ leaders at all levels.
3. Pray for candidates/ institutions
4. Pray for the sick, less fortunate
5. Pray for Audit, medical camp, project, entire Parish.
Receive Christian greetings in Jesus name. We really thank God for this far that he has brought us. We thank God for our visitors who are together with us today. We also appreciate that today we have Presbytery pulpit exchange. For those who will join us kindly notify us so that we can tell the district closer to your residence. For those who will be going back kindly take our greetings. We love you with the love of God.
As in the parable in the book of Matthew 25, we have been allocated according to our ability and God is looking for our faithfulness in handling and managing what he has given us. Today like in the bible days we must champion causes of stewardship in:-
Stewardship of self, stewardship of others e.g family, Church, neighbours and others as well as that of environment with all of its accompaniments. God is not just the starting of your life, he is the source of it. You must begin with God, your creator. Everything starts with God and you are made by God and for God. You are not an accident, unless you assume God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless. Life is really living for God not myself. Life on earth is temporary assignment, discover your purpose. Aim high, go for your purpose. Every person has a gift from God. God has bestowed each one of us with potential and opportunity. You were created with natural abilities that guide you towards a particular focus. you have a obligation to expand to your destiny, so discover what you are supposed to do. do not put question mark in what you are doing. Always remember to discover your purpose in this life. Have a great and blessed week ahead.
Prayer Items
1. Thank God for this far and answered prayers
2. Pray for the Nation/ leaders at all levels.
3. Pray for candidates/ institutions
4. Pray for the sick, less fortunate
5. Pray for Audit, medical camp, project, entire Parish.
Receive Christian greetings. Feel welcome to worship with us today. Special welcome is extended to our visitors. Thank you for choosing to worship with us. We love you with the love of God. Kindly take our greetings to your respective families and fellow Christians when you back. For those who are to remain kindly forward your name so that you can join the district closer to your residence.
Everything is New in the Lord.
The Lord expects us to have some knowledge about hope. God’s word says “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (1peter 3:15). There are nearly 150 verses in the Bible that speaks of hope that brings new life. Christ in you, the hope of glory.(Collossians 1:27).
Real hope is not mere wishful thinking nor is it a blind desire to have something happen. Christian hope is a firm conviction that God’s promises will indeed materialize. Because God has kept his promises in the past, we know He is going to do it again.
There is a distinction between Faith and hope. Faith relates more to the past, hope looks ahead to the future. As Christians we desire to have new life, free from the pain anxieties, troubles and the stress of daily life. We hope for a better future free from financial strain, disease, discouragement and the like.
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new. (Rev 21:5a)
Prayer items
1. Thank God for this far
2. Pray for all believers/Churches
3. Pray for Candidates/Institutions
4. Pray for marriages and families
5. Pray for less fortunate.